Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Best Foot Care for Diabetics

For most people, a scrape, cut or blister is not a great deal and treated easily with a bandage. But this is not the case with diabetics. For them daily foot care is as crucial as monitoring blood pressure, cholesterol and blood glucose.
Take care of your feet by doing your best to prevent feet ulcers, a common problem with diabetics. Ulcers are open sores that can cause complications such as infections as well as amputation. Studies reveal that people with diabetic ulcers have high risk of death within 5 years than people with some types of cancer.
Uncontrolled levels of glucose can lead to diabetic neuropathy (nerve damage) which causes numbness or less sensation which helps reduce feeling of pain and even hot or cold. Nerve damage can affect ability of body to sweat, which can cause drying and cracking of skin on feet. The fat pads of the foot which absorb pressure also become hard and begin thinning, an ideal condition for ulcers to develop.

When cholesterol and blood pressure are not controlled, poor functioning of the blood vessels results in causing peripheral vascular disease, in turn, reducing the blood circulation. Narrow vessels imply that feet garner less oxygen that heal wounds and fight infection. When gangrene sets in (death of tissue), amputation may be the result.
The risk of a diabetic to develop foot ulcer is 25%. To keep feet in good shape, you can do the following steps:
·        Take regular care: Daily wash feet with warm water and soap, dry thoroughly and soften with petroleum jelly, cream and lotion, avoiding the region between the toes. Trim or file toe-nails.
·         Get shoes that fit: Get closed-toe shoes which are properly fitting to protect feet from bangs and stubs. Try to get orthopaedic footwear after you cross 40.
·     Socks care: Lightly padded, light coloured and clean socks will reveal blood stains, so you can spot problems. Don’t wear 100% cotton socks and go in for synthetic blends that wick away moisture. You can buy foot care  products online India like good shoes and socks.
·      Combat fungus: Fungus which lives on moisture will lead to infection. You can pick up fungus from gym floors, showers and carpets. For this, use medicated foot powders.
·        Look out daily: Examine your feet daily. If you are not flexible as to see your feet, get them examined by someone else using a magnifying glass to identify any bruises, redness or punctures.
These are some aspects of foot care for diabetics.

What Are Uses Of A Stethoscope?

A   stethoscope is a type of medical device, meant to listen to different sounds in the body. It was invented in 1816 by French doctor Rene Laennec.
Prior to the stethoscope, doctors used to place their ears against the body of patients to detect body sounds like heart beat. This was an uncomfortable proposition for female patients. Nowadays, nurses and doctors utilize stethoscopes to detect lung, bowel and heart sounds as well as to monitor blood pressure.

·         Heart sounds: When stethoscope is placed against the chest, many kinds of heart sounds are audible. For instance one can hear the sound of ventricles and atria contracting. Murmurs of heart due to abnormal functioning of heart valves can be detected.
·        Lung sounds: Lung sounds can be heard when stethoscope is placed on the chest or back. On taking a deep breath, one can hear the air entering the lung even while they expand. If crackles are heard, they indicate abnormalities in the lung, like fluid present in lungs. Wheezing will be heard if air passages are blocked.
·      Bowel sounds: Placing the stethoscope on the abdomen lets the doctor listen to the sounds of food and liquids, moving from the stomach to the intestines. In normal case, these are gurgles of low pitch which can be detected every 5 to 10 seconds. This may become more or less depending on the patient’s condition.
·    Measure blood pressure Stethoscopes are used along with sphygmomanometers to measure blood pressure. A cuff is wrapped around the arm and inflated and the stethoscope is used to measure pulse as cuff is deflated.
One can do stethoscope online shopping. Other types of stethoscopes are:
  · Electronic stethoscope: It is used to detect sounds in the body, not audible through conventionalstethoscopes. It amplifies sounds emanating from the body by electronic means. It can be a wireless, recording device and can grant noise reduction as well as signal enhancement.
   ·   Fetoscope: It has a different shape and is used to detect sounds coming from the foetus inside the mother. It is placed on the abdomen of pregnant women.
   ·  Doppler stethoscope: It is an electronic device that detects the Doppler effect of ultrasound waves emanating from body organs.
   ·  3D printed: It is a medical device that is open sourced, aimed at auscultation and created by 3D printing.
These are some facts about stethoscopes.

What Is Sensory Integration Therapy?

Sensory Integration Therapy is meant for kids with sensory processing problems. Parents can use simple sensory integration activities or exercises in addition to occupational therapy.
These children may be of three types:
·          Sensory seeking
·          Low  responsive to sensory stimulation
·         Extra responsive to sensory stimulation. These are also called as sensory defensive or tactile defensive.
Sensory integration methods can enable effective processing of sensory information which helps the child respond more appropriately to the environment.

 sensory therapy products

Sensory Integration therapy consists of following methods:
·      Creating a sensory corner: It can provide a safe haven for the sensory defensive child and a type of stimulation for a sensory under-responsive child. This corner can be made by blocking away a corner of the room by using soft furnishings of different textures. A bean bag can be added for a safe and comfy feel. The sensory corner can contain objects of different shapes and textures like wood, velvet, squishy objects etc which can provide sensory stimulation.
·         Proprioceptive activities: These can be passive where child is subject to pressure or active, where child is involved in heavy activity. These are ideal for kids who are always overactive and crashing into objects. They can also energize a lethargic child.
Passive Proprioceptive pressure can be given through weighted blankets and weighted vests. Child can be wrapped in a blanket or allowed to snuggle inside a bean bag for this kind of stimulation.
Active stimulation is provided by involving the child in heavy activity by which they experience their real joints and muscles. They include activities like carrying grocery, digging in the garden or jumping on a trampoline.
·         Vestibular sensory activities: Most moving activities will stimulate the vestibular system in the ear which makes one aware how one is moving and how fast the motion is. Swings, rocking horses and trampolines are useful for this purpose. Kids who are sensitive to gravity and are scared of escalators and elevators need to experience safe and gentle motions.
·       Oral-motor activities: Some kids use tactile input through their mouths in order to concentrate or lower anxiety by chewing on all types of objects. This can be corrected by blowing bubbles, drinking milk shakes with straws or chewing gum.
These are some aspects about Sensory Integration Therapy. One can buy sensory therapy products online. However it is best to seek medical advice before embarking on any therapy.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Components of a Good Exercise Regimen

Regular exercise has extensive social, emotional and physical health benefits. You should follow a consistent, enjoyable and safe exercise regimen.
Here are a few tips for a proper exercise schedule:
·         Be consistent: The best way to ensure exercise success is to be consistent with the regimen and follow it every single day, no matter what distractions you have to overcome.
·         Follow a proper routine of exercise: You can follow any of the top exercise routines like strength training, interval training or cardio/aerobic exercise.
·         Go after realistic goals: Avoid aiming for perfection which cannot be achieved. You can access exercise products online.
·         Be aware about your body: Consider how a particular exercise makes you feel. If you sense anything wrong, stop and consult a doctor or medico.
·         Warm up and cool slowly: Begin and end your exercise schedule with gentle and slow stretches.
·         Set your pace: Take breaks between weeks of exercise.
·         Mix up: to lower risk of over-training, try other sporting activities and exercises.
·         Connect with friends: Involve a friend or two in your exercise regimen so that both of you can motivate each other.
·         Make a plan that fits your life: Create a regimen that fits into all other aspects of your life.
·         Enjoy: You must feel happy with your exercise regimen and enjoy doing it.
·         Consult professionals: To get the best exercise regimen that suits you, consult a weight loss professional. You can identify your weak points and start working on them.
·         Draw inspiration: To stay motivated, read blogs and experience of other successful weight loss candidates.
·         Stay hydrated: It is vital to consume enough water or fluids before and after exercise.
·         Be weather proof: Consider the weather and wear light clothing and sun screen to protect from hot weather.
·         Do the right way: Exercise must be done in the right way to ensure proper use of muscles.
·         Keep time: Watch your body clock and exercise when your energy is at peak- morning for a morning person and evening for an evening person.
·         Be patient: Don’t expect quick results but be patient and work at it.
These are some tips for successful exercising.