Friday, January 8, 2016

Panchakarma: Offering major Ayurvedic treatments

The human body, according to Ayurveda, is said to be comprised of three Doshas, three malas and seven dhatus. Equilibrium of the mala, dhatu and the dosha helps to maintain the mind and body’s healthy state. However, imbalance noticed in any can give rise to several types of diseases. 

Ayurveda and its purpose

Ayurveda has been created for trying to maintain this particular equilibrium and could be achieved through two different methods. The first is to have the dosha pacified or eliminating it by using Panchakarma. The Panchakarma does act as preventive and curative therapy. This procedure is both rejuvenating and purifying. Ayurveda is said to believe to treat diseases right at its root. It is not just a symptomatic treatment for boosting capacity of the body to resist and to fight diseases. For treating diseases like Psoriasis, infertility, early ageing, insomnia, lowered concentrating capacity, hyperacidity, hypertension, Panchakarma chikitsa is used. For this what one requires is panchakarma accessories. With its principle, chronic diseases such as asthma, arthritis, chronic constipation, spondilosis, diabetes, colitis, skin diseases such as psoriasis can be treated. Women also follow this treatment method in post and pre menopausal syndrome like cold and hot flashing irritability, weight gain, neuritis excessive sweating, leucorrhoea and menstrual irregularities, menorrhagia, excessive menstrual bleeding, and much more. 

Availing the treatment

Ayurveda’s Panchakarma treatment does require panchakarma accessories and equipment and practitioners, who have adequate experience and knowledge in clinical training for being effective. Without having proper and thorough training in Ayurvedic medicine, the Panchakarma therapies would not to be administered properly and might worsen or aggravate the person’s condition. 

Steps to follow

Before carrying out the Panchakarma, specific steps are to be followed known as Poorvakarmas. These are Swedana (sudation) and Snehana (oleation). The latter could be performed in two ways, which is external and internal oil application. In swedana, four types are used for promoting sweat. Poorvakarma’s purpose is to liquefy, while providing guidance to the provoked impurities (Doshas) to mainstream for facilitating Sodhana Karma. 

Diseases may occur if toxins accumulate within the body and have the channels clogged. Ayurvedic treatments can prove to be more than effective and help the body to get rejuvenated

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