Thursday, February 25, 2016

Benefits of Ultrasound Physiotherapy

We all have heard of ultrasound exam that is conducted on a patient to find any problem in the body, but what exactly ultrasound is? Ultrasounds are the frequencies, which human ears cannot detect. The ultrasounds are the waves, which stimulate the tissues that are beneath the skin. 

Uses of Ultrasound

Ultrasound is used to reflect, analyze and evaluate the inner structure of body or any medium. In this technology oriented world, small version of ultrasounds machine are available in the market. These machines can be easily fit in an office or a clinic, which can perform an ultrasound test.

The most common uses of ultrasound are:

1.       It is used for speeding up the healing process by increasing the flow of blood in the body.
2.       It also helps in reducing the swelling of many body parts.
3.     Physiotherapy ultrasound is used to massage the ligaments or muscle tendons, and it also softens the scar tissues.
4.      If this high energy ultrasound energy is focused, they can be used to break gallstones or kidney stones.
5.      Cataract treatment can also be done by using focused ultrasound,
As the high frequencies are used to scan the body of a human, many people ask is if to go for an ultrasound test? The loudness or frequency less than 120db is safe for the humans. There are some risks of the ultrasound test if:
·         The loudness or the frequency increases the limit of 120db. It can cause hearing loss to the humans.
·         If the limit crosses 150db mark, then it can harm body due to high heat.
·         If the human body is exposed to the 180db limit, then it can cause death.
Ultrasoundphysiotherapy machine price in India varies from the use and the size of the machine. These machines are available in both retail and online stores. These machines can be found in the clinic of any physiotherapist or hospitals. From the  last decade, people and doctors have more faith in this machinery rather than any anti pain or other medicines, which are used for treatment because ultrasound physiotherapy give fast and better results than traditional ways.

Uses of Physiotherapy equipments

In today’s time, chronic pain is something that most of the citizens of the world are suffering from, especially pain in the head and in the back. This pain literally tortures the people, which make them do anything to have some relief from this excruciating pain.

Anti pain medicines are not very effective because people mostly spend their time sitting in front of computer screens, straining their eyes and putting continuous pressure on their backs. This unhealthy lifestyle leads to long term suffering from the pain in which traditional ways of treatment are not effective. To fight this pain, modern day relief techniques are being used. One of the modern pain management techniques is physiotherapy. In this therapy, you will be treated using both machines and exercises, which will help you in changing your current unhealthy lifestyle.

Physiotherapy includes various methods of treating pain, and for each method, there are different types of equipments or exercises used. Physiotherapy is considered one of the best ways to treat injuries and disabilities.

Types of Equipments

1.    Mobility Aid Equipments- These equipments are used to improve strength, balance, coordination and mobility. The therapist will suggest you to use staircase runner, parallel bars, knee rollator, etc.
2.      Exercise Equipments- These are the most common type equipments that are suggested by the therapist to treat bone and muscle disabilities. Elliptical trainer, treadmills, pedal exerciser are some of the equipments that you can easily see in the hospitals or in a clinic.
3.     Balance Ball Chair- This equipment is used to keep the spine and bodies of the patient align. To prevent any strain on the muscles during the exercise this equipment is used, which makes it very important physiotherapy equipment.
4.       Hot and Cold Therapy- Whirlpools are used to strengthen the limbs. For treating the pain inflammation and arthritis, this therapy is used. Hot and cold therapy is very effective in treating pain in knees and elbows.
These are equipments are available in both retail and online stores. Physiotherapy equipments pricein India varies from different types of equipments and the use of those equipments.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Factors to Consider before Buying a Pulse Oximeter

Not many of us are aware of the term pulse oximeters. This a device that is used to measure blood oxygen level in the body and also helps in monitoring levels of oxygen in blood. In order to use it, one to needs to connect the device to the earlobe, toe or finger and then the haemoglobin is measured and compared to the required levels. If you plan to buy one for your home use, then there are factors that should be kept in mind before purchasing.


       The first thing to consider is the type of oximeter you want to buy. This also means the size of the device. Large devices are usually used for adults and the smaller ones are for the children.

2      You should always go for a user-friendly device for home usage. To get started, check with the store personal to guide you with the steps to use it. In case, you can understand the instruction provided in the manual that would be good. If you go for pulse oximeter online, then you can check ‘how to use it videos’ on the internet.

3       One of the most important factors to consider before making a purchase is to check the price of the device. Today, you can find anything from a cheap to an expensive one. Don’t just go by the price. For cheap device, you might have to spend less money, but it might not last longer and expensive ones might not provide correct information. Therefore, you should do thorough research before investing any money. 

4      At the end, like any other product, you should always check the refund and return policy from the seller. Today, there are many companies that work on good return policy in case of any damage. This will help you make the correct decision about the equipment. 

The sales of this product have increased in India due to high level of physical and mental stress on your body. Therefore, there are many Indian online medical equipment stores have started selling pulseoximeter online India. There are many options that you can go for like a wrist band oximeter or wired to a monitor or wireless device as well.

Having these equipments at your home is good to monitor your health regularly. It is always to be safe than sorry.

Role of a Sports Physiotherapist

Everyone who is related to sports directly or indirectly would be aware of sports physiotherapy. This article would help you understand what exactly does sports physiotherapists do.

As per the dictionary, physiotherapy means treatment of an injury with physical medium like by giving a massage or exercise without any medicine, and hence, sports physiotherapy would typically mean, treatment of injury due to sports. But physiotherapy is not only about treating patients with exercise or massage, but it is a lot more than that.

Being a sports person, you are bound to have injuries now and then. Therefore, it is very important for any athlete to visit sports physiotherapist as often as possible. You might have seen as well that many players hire these doctors for the field as well. Hence, these professionals play a very important role in the life of these sports people and below are some crucial tasks performed by them:-

Rehabilitate bodily Injuries
Athletes or sports person always push themselves harder and higher to achieve better results and without caring about the well-being of their body. Some of the injuries are so critical that it forces the person to retire early from sports than expected. Therefore, in order to keep the spirit going, many people work towards development of physiorehab equipments. These equipments are designed in a manner to give relief from the aggravating pains and also work faster in the healing process.

Provide Pain control remedy
Other than the rehabilitation process, these doctors also offer sportsmen ways to control their pain. A role of the physiotherapist comes into picture only when people suffer from any injury. They instantly ease the discomfort through various kinds of exercises or massages. This treatment becomes feasible in cases like ligament tear or sprains.

Helps in Preventing and Maintaining Injuries
Once treated, everyone likes to return back to their fields at the earliest, which might result in recurring injuries. These professionals apart from treating also help them in focussing on preventing future harm and how they would be able to maintain their form. This further helps them in gaining strength and also trains them in ways to react to injuries as and when they occur.
Hence, it is always recommended to sports governing authorities to push their players or athletes for regular visits.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Digital Thermometers – Easy to handle and accurate

Kids get really difficult specifically when they are not well. The moment you start to wheedle them because you want to measure their fever, they start showing tantrums. It becomes a difficult task to hold your child and measure their temperature. If you are using the old age glass thermometers, you would have to place them in their armpits to get the perfect results. They hardly sit at one place and keep moving, which makes it difficult to perform the task and can also result in breakage of the mercury or glass that can become dangerous for the kids. 

Like every other field, there has been an impeccable development in the field of medical equipment, which has made our lives easier. Since they are developed with new technologies, they are much better in terms of safety. The new invented digital thermometers are much easier to use and handle. Now you do not have to hold your child and note the temperature. All you need to do is hold the thermometer against the forehead and you can get perfect reading within seconds. With glass thermometers, it sometimes gets difficult to get the exact temperature. Digital thermometers make lives easier for the parents because they flash the temperature on the LED screen instantly.

Benefits of using a Digital Thermometer

  1. It logs the last recorded temperatures. This helps immensely when you forget the track of readings.
  2. Apart from this, you also have the option of changing the tip in case you feel it is contaminated or destroyed. 
  3.    Also, they beep after the temperature is recorded, and you need to not to look at the watch continuously.
Where to Buy?

Digital thermometers are not rare objects. Usually, every medical store would have them. Also, they are not very expensive so you do not have to worry about the money. You can also do digital thermometer online shopping. There are many online stores that sell them and you can also get them delivered at your doorstep.
Therefore, using this product is a safer and convenient alternative.