Medical equipment is uniquely designed devices or tools used in medicine practices. Surgical tools, medical tools and medical treatment instruments aid in performing various activities needed for diagnosis, investigation, monitoring, prevention, treatment, modification and replacement of the anatomy and alleviation of injury, handicap or a disease. Doctors and medical students have to handle various types of medical equipment on daily basis. They need to remember the names of them and their uses to check or cure various diseases, which cannot be diagnosed without them. Only that equipment is to be used by the hospitals, which has received certification from World Health Organization (WHO).
Types of medical instruments
• Diagnostic instruments consist of medical imaging machines which are used for aiding diagnosis like MRI and ultrasound machines, x-ray machines, PET and CT scanners.
• Treatment instruments include medical lasers, LASIK surgical machines and infusion pumps.
• Medical monitors allow the staff of hospital to measure medical state of a patient. Monitors also measure various parameters like EEG, ECG and blood pressure.
• Life support instruments are used to maintain bodily function of a patient. These include anesthetic machines, medical ventilators, ECMO, heart-lung machines and dialysis machines.
• Medical laboratory instruments help to analyze blood, urine and dissolved gases in blood.
Importance of medical equipment
Medical instruments help medical personnel to monitor and diagnose patients for different medical conditions. The medical equipment need to be properly cleaned periodically and repaired time to time if necessary. Blood and other organic materials are to be removed before these instruments are to be used for next patient. These medical instruments have helped to save millions of lives over the years whether at home or at hospital. People who have undergone a major surgery and are in the need of long term care to recover can be done with the help of medical equipment like air purifiers, respiratory machines, wheelchairs and lot more. Medical instruments are necessary equipment at hospital but if a person requires it at home, he can buy it online from various suppliers supplying them.
We are lucky to be born in this era with this fine technology that makes our life better and more efficient.
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