Friday, March 11, 2016

Knowing more about CPM machine and benefitting from it

Continuous passive motion device or the CPM machine is said to be used for the purpose of rehabilitation if the patient undergoes surgical procedures on the soft tissues or suffers from joint trauma. The objective here is to enable passive motion within specific movement planes, to control pain, to diminish inflammation and to safeguard healing tissue.  Using the advanced CPM machine within controlled motion range, and increasing with time, the joint gets moved constantly. 

 How it is done?

The joint recovery mechanism entirely depends upon the performed surgery. The device is employed frequently by following different joint surgeries such as ACL reconstruction, tendon repair, total knee replacement, joint manipulation and others. Usually, orthopedic surgery tends to involve pain within the operated regions and post surgery weakness. The person may suffer intensely trying to cope it along with physical therapy. This device is being used for quite a long time for assisting in reducing swelling, pain, to increase and maintain mobility as well as prevent scar tissue formation. 

For avoiding post-operative pain, the person is not moving his joints. The tissue as a result surrounding the joint could probably become still, developing scar tissue and limiting range of motion. It might take several months for recovering with physical therapy. 

Functioning of the CPM machine

This device is rotated to move slowly on the joint area and in rhythmic pattern, not engaging muscles within the repaired site. The benefit noticed is that the muscles could strengthen and health without overuse. Moreover, the area would undergo healthy movement, thereby ensuring quicker and fuller recovery allowing the person to move around freely and to enjoy life like he used to do before. Joint flexibility related complications which could probably arise due to operations, can be reduced effectively. At the same time, these machines are easily available over the different reputed sites. One can buy cpm machine for the knee, ankle, elbow, wrist and hand. 

This device can be used on in-patient and outpatient basis. This motorized device has the capability to decrease tissue stiffness and to promote proper healing of the joint surface and soft tissues.

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